Somebody new writing the board Minutes?

Check out the Minutes of the September 2023 HOA board meeting. This was their first secret Zoom meeting without homeowners.

There must be a protégé of e e cummings who is writing the Minutes now. You'll recognize the style when you see the Minutes.

Hover over RESIDENTS (yes, that's the word);
Click on Board of Director's Minutes;
Click on September 2023

Notice that the meeting date hasn't been fixed yet. For months it has read in this style: 
September 5th ,2023, 6:30 pm

The person filling in the blanks in the date format doesn't know it's wrong. That person's supervisor doesn't know it's wrong.

Three errors in a four-word line.

I'm reminded of Miss Eleanor Gould (1917-2005), who was the "Grammarian" at The New Yorker for many years. She was reputed to have found four grammatical errors in a three-word sentence.


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