Still No August 22, 2023 Minutes

The Minutes of the September 5, 2023 Closed monthly board meeting have been posted on the HOA's website. You'll want to read them very carefully and then watch this blog for the truth about what is said in the Minutes.

Most importantly, the Minutes of the Special Meeting on August 22, 2023 have NOT been posted. That was the short-notice meeting that the board had, at which they decided ("resolved", as Justin called it) to severely restrict attendance at monthly Open board meetings and to prohibit Homeowners/Members (that's YOU) from attending the monthly board meetings of your own Association.

It is all the more important for the board to publish those Minutes promptly, since that meeting was also held in private, out of sight and hearing of the Members (homeowners).

What, exactly, does the Resolution (to close monthly board meetings) say? Was there, in fact, a Resolution? Or was there just a voice vote?

The HOA and its attorney have refused to provide a copy of what may be a one-page document, the Resolution. They demand payment to find it at the rate of $125/hour and a document fee of $15.00. All that for a one-page document.

I have the legal right to it, as the Attorney-in-Fact for a homeowner (Member of the Association). But I am not paying $31.25 (one-quarter hour to find it) plus $15.00 to print one page with the copier. 

Justin used the word "resolved" in communications too homeowners about the closure. In the business world "resolved" has a definite meaning. There should be a written Resolution, signed by all the board members who approved it. That Resolution should be part of the Minutes.

All this is over the heads of the board members. Most of them just go along with whatever Justin wants. They should be independent thinkers and should perform their individual fiduciary responsibilities on behalf of the Members of the Association.

Justin has been President of the Association for far too long. 

The Summit Scoop lists Justin as the Board President all the way back of January 2018. He is in his sixth year as President.

In view of the many errors that have occurred in the areas of compliance with the By-Laws and the errors in financial statements of the HOA, it's time for Justin to go, not only as President but as a board member.

To allow the deceit in the Minutes of the September 2023 private board meeting on Zoom is just one more serious error.


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